Install 2nd wordpress

This is the procedure of install 2nd Japanese wordpress on same server.

  1. unzip wordpress wordpress-6.0.1-ja.tar.gz Japanese version on the www root directory and rename wordpress directory to new directory ex: tt. Access /tt directory by Web browser.

2. Input database name, user name, and so on.

3. Database error occur

4. Check the mysql uesrs.

# mysql -u root -p
mysql> select user, host FROM mysql.user
| user             | host           |
| wpuser           | |
| mysql.infoschema | localhost      |
| mysql.session    | localhost      |
| mysql.sys        | localhost      |
| root             | localhost      |
| wpuser           | localhost      |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

5. Create a new database user and a database.

create user 'tt'@'localhost' identified by 'xxxxx';
create database ttdb;

6. grant all privileges to a new user

grant all privileges on ttdb.* to tt@localhost;

7. Access wordpress and fill database name, user name, and password.

8. Execute wordpress install.

About: wpadmin

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